ADDRESSCommercial Market, Rawalpindi.
CALL US(+92) 336 5111312

Himalayan Salt Lamps

Salt lamps are said to provide health benefits because they are “natural ionisers,” meaning they change the electrical charge of the circulating air. Himalayan salt lamps are claimed to improve air quality, boost mood and help you sleep. However, there is currently little evidence to support these claims. Himalayan salt lamps are inviting, create a warm and relaxing ambiance and may help you wind down before bedtime.

Figured Shape Salt Lamps

SR# ART# Shape Weight (kg) Packing
1 FSL-501 Globe Cut 4 4 pcs
2 FSL-502 Christmas Tree 4 6 pcs
3 FSL-503 Melon 4 4 pcs
4 FSL-504 Papaya 4 4 pcs
5 FSL-505 Rocky 3 4 pcs
6 FSL-506 Round Flower Bread 3 4 pcs
7 FSL-507 Elephant 4 6 pcs
8 FSL-508 Horse - Booklet 3 6 pcs
9 FSL-509 Horse - Head 4 6 pcs
10 FSL-510 Dolphin 3 6 pcs
11 FSL-511 Cat 3 6 pcs
12 FSL-512 Dog 3 6 pcs
13 FSL-513 Kangaroo 3 6 pcs
14 FSL-514 Owl 3 6 pcs
15 FSL-515 Swan 4 6 pcs
16 FSL-516 Hut 5 6 pcs
17 FSL-517 Angel 4 6 pcs
18 FSL-518 Duck 3 6 pcs
19 FSL-519 Snake 4 4 pcs
20 FSL-520 Buddah 4 2 pcs
21 FSL-521 Buddah Head 6 2 pcs
22 FSL-522 Rabbit 3 6 pcs
23 FSL-523 Pearl Shell 5 4 pcs
24 FSL-524 Chris Cross - Natural 5 4 pcs
25 FSL-525 Chris Cross - Simple 3 6 pcs
26 FSL-526 Lion 4 4 pcs
27 FSL-527 Leaf 4 6 pcs
28 FSL-528 Flower 4 4 pcs
29 FSL-529 Lotus Flower 3 6 pcs
30 FSL-530 Turtle 3 6 pcs
31 FSL-531 Camel 3 6 pcs
32 FSL-532 Fish 4 6 pcs
33 FSL-533 Foot Ball 4 4 pcs
34 FSL-534 Square Cut Bread 4 6 pcs
35 FSL-535 Straight Cut Bread 4 6 pcs
36 FSL-536 Trunk 4 4 pcs

Crave for Excellence

Bussiness Hours


Monday - Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday: 9am to 2pm


All Sunday and official holidays

Contact Information

Commercial Market, Rawalpindi.

(+92) 336 5111312