ADDRESSCommercial Market, Rawalpindi.
CALL US(+92) 336 5111312

Himalayan Salt Lamps

Salt lamps are said to provide health benefits because they are “natural ionisers,” meaning they change the electrical charge of the circulating air. Himalayan salt lamps are claimed to improve air quality, boost mood and help you sleep. However, there is currently little evidence to support these claims. Himalayan salt lamps are inviting, create a warm and relaxing ambiance and may help you wind down before bedtime.

Natural Shape Salt Lamp

SR# ART# Weight (kg) Packing
1 NSL-1 1 - 2 8 pcs
2 NSL-2 2 - 3 6 pcs
3 NSL-3 3 - 4 6 pcs
4 NSL-4 4 - 6 4 pcs
5 NSL-5 6 - 9 2 pcs
6 NSL-6 9 - 12 2 pcs
7 NSL-7 12 - 18 1 pcs
8 NSL-8 18 - 24 1 pcs
9 NSL-9 24 - 30 1 pcs
10 NSL-10 30 - 40 1 pcs
11 NSL-11 40 - 50 1 pcs

Crave for Excellence

Bussiness Hours


Monday - Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday: 9am to 2pm


All Sunday and official holidays

Contact Information

Commercial Market, Rawalpindi.

(+92) 336 5111312